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So you've got a degree!

Congratulations! The uni years fly by don't they? Your first year is all about fun, the second year is the slow realisation and your third year is a lot of work, but so well worth it. Now you have your shiny new degree and you're ready to step into adulthood. Exciting times! So why does it feel as though you're stepping off a precipice?

For the lucky few, the university years are the journey towards what they dream of doing as a career. But for most, they are stalling years while you work out what that dream might be. And it can be stressful when you graduate, thinking that you're supposed to have a plan yet you don't feel any clearer about what that is than you did in that first Fresher's Week.

Relax. Through this Graduation Station package, I'll take you through 4 coaching sessions that will help you to work out what you want to do and how to get there. 

How it works

We will agree a time frame for the four sessions. They'll be spaced out to give you time in between to put ideas into action and to let your thoughts settle and take shape. You can add further sessions if you want them, but four will usually be enough. 

Sessions feel like a chat, but there is a process going on which will lead you to a genuine outcome. 

What to expect

In the first session, I will ask about your degree and any ideas you have about what you want to do now. You may have none at all, and that's fine too. Together, we will start to shape a plan to help you take the first steps to moving forward. You'll leave the session with some thoughts to consider or action to take.


The second session will look at any progress you've made, and how to build from that. You may have made none! So we will attack from a different angle. Again, you will have some ideas to build on as you leave this session.


By session 3, you will have a clearer idea of what your goal is and how you are going to get there. This session will see you whittle down your ideas to core options, and some realistic consideration of what is needed next.


In the fourth session, you'll be pleased at how far you've come in your thought processes, and will have concrete ideas of what you're going to do. This may be the final session, where you have a clear and linear plan, or it may be a final session for now, with the option to return and explore a little further. Either way, you will have more clarity of thought and more peace of mind, as you start to put that degree into use!

Where do sessions take place?

Most sessions take place online, although face to face can be arranged depending on proximity. Sessions take place in confidence, giving you the opportunity to think clearly and speak freely.


Coaching is not counselling, or mentoring, but a process by which through focused listening and incisive questions, I can help you come to the answers you are looking for. We are always looking forwards, not backwards, and we are always working towards a positive goal. You will find it very empowering! And along the way, you'll learn some techniques for harnessing your ideas.

Why it works

I listen without judgement and ask questions without an agenda, giving your mind the space and freedom to find the answers you need. 

There are many graduates, with many degrees, from many universities, and there is a multitude of paths to follow. However, what really matters is that the person fits the situation. When someone is so clearly a good fit there is genuine joy and accomplishment. You can choose what you want to do. And when you have worked out what that is for yourself, you will pursue it with energy and intelligence.

What now?

Get in touch with me at to arrange a chat. This will help you decide if you'd like to start sessions, and we can start to put a plan in place. 

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