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Preparation is key!

The academic year going into exams can be stressful for all the family. Everyone is busy, there is a lot to do and to get through, and students don't always know the best ways to help themselves or to accept help from those around them. The Plan for Exams package is clearly laid out to provide a plan for students to follow that will take the pressure off them and the rest of the family in this busy year, resulting in peace of mind and giving them the best chance of success, as well as equipping them with strategies that will be helpful going forward. 

How it works

There are 6 sessions in the package, spaced throughout the academic year to provide targeted support. One in September, one in November, one in the Christmas holidays. Then one after the January mocks, one before the Easter holidays and the final one before the exams begin. 

What the sessions provide

The sessions provide a space for the student to explain where they are with their studying and how they feel it is fitting in with everything else they have going on. From there, I employ the focused listening and incisive questions of coaching to help them work out what they need to do to improve their situation and build on the progress made so far. This could include realistic time management strategies, recognising and challenging bad habits, celebrating successes and reaching an understanding of what they need to do next. They will have an increased understanding of their responsibility in identifying, working towards and achieving their goals.


Coaching is not counselling, or mentoring, but rather a method of listening and asking questions that enables the student to work out what they are aiming for and how to get there. This resonates with more impact than if they were simply given advice, and in the process, students learn effective ways to think for themselves. 

Why it works

The space between sessions makes this a low-pressure environment for students, where they can be listened to without judgement. Coaching techniques provide them with the means to work out answers for themselves, giving them a sense of empowerment which increases self-motivation. By the end of the sessions they will have acquired helpful strategies that they can take with them into the next stage of their life.

Sessions outline

1: Discussion around the year ahead, the goals, the non-academic strands of life, looking at balance. Establishing their plan.

2. First check-in. How are they managing their time, commitments and challenges? What can they learn about their engagement so far? Tweaking the plan accordingly. 

3. Second check-in. Reflection on the first term, looking at strategies in the run-up to mocks. Unpicking any stumbling blocks and remembering to find balance. Establishing the next stage of the plan.

4. Post-mocks. How did they go? Do the goals need re-setting? How is studying fitting around life at this stage and does this need to be recalibrated? Setting targets for the months to follow.

5. Easter holidays. The eyes on the prize and the end is in sight. There is still time to make a difference and results can go up or down at this stage. Focusing on how to improve the grades without losing sight of the all-important balance. 

6. Final session. This session is about keeping calm and confident in the run up to the start of exams and includes techniques for managing the exam period once it is underway.


The exam year can put pressure on the whole family, and parents often say that they feel they may as well be taking the exams themselves! The Plan for Exams package is designed to help families. By helping the student directly, stress is taken off everyone else, giving you time back to connect over the important things in life. 

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